Metrology: Science of Measurement

Basically, metrology is a science of measurement, which includes theoretical and experimental aspects. A metrology engineer should know about the various disciplines of engineering, such as design, production, quality control, manufacturing and testing. Dimensional metrology is a method for the measurement of dimensions of workpieces. This checks the diameter, spacing, position, shape and length of workpieces. There are many methods used for checking these dimensions, such as pneumatic, tactile and optical. You can choose one of these methods, depending on which measurement work is to be completed. The pneumatic method has a very high resolution, and it is robust and resistant to dirt. Therefore, it is used in tough manufacturing condition. The tactile method makes use of contact probes which records the measured values very quickly. These probes are used at the places where there is multipoint metrology. The optical method is used, where you want to have measurements without having d...