How Do Dimensional Control Services Save Money

Dimensional control is typical considered as an expert survey method, which is focused on the usage of conventional survey principles and equipment. However, it is implemented around industrial fittings like compressors, vessels, and pipes and even huge preinstalled modules and new rigs.

It aims to precisely measure the items like pipes and foundations to make it sure that each product/part will fit without any rework need and minimize the requirement of welding, hot work. A dimensional control service could range from changing a pipe of a metre to huge preassembled modules that are built at several locations of this world to be installed together at a final site in another country.

It helps you save money in many ways. Sometimes, it can enable you to make money. Here are some of those ways:

Minimizes the need for rework

This service includes 3D measurements, levelling, alignment, and elevation checks, apart from real-time instructed positioning and markings that are very useful in installations, overhauling, assemblies, erections, and maintenance. As the entire work is done under this service, so it makes everything get fitted well in the first effort. It means there is no need for rectification or rework, which saves your time and the associated cost.

Help you foretell closing spools

With dimensional control survey, you can forecast the closing of spools. For instance, you have to position the built vessel in its actual location in a CAD model. The survey you would do will help to do it theoretically before the actual installation. With this, you can easily point out what can happen with the spools in the near future. And this data will help you correct the issue before it starts creating problems.

Speed-up your project completion

With it, you can have modular build projects on a large scale and preinstalled pipe racks and units in your different fabrication places. Having trust in all your fabrication yards allows you to keep your whole project going on and move ahead in dealing with more engineering projects. Your project completion gets increased, as you keep everything going on at a time at different places.


Dimensional control is mainly about enabling you to have control risk and time taken in project completion. It allows you to minimize the need for rework, enhances your productivity and forecast closing spools.


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